The lands south of the river Harnen. The Harad, also known as the Haradwaith, is frequently divided into 'Near' and 'Far' Harad, with the Near Harad being the area bordering the Harnen down to perhaps the region of Umbar. The Far Harad is a vast land of pretty desert kingdoms stretching as much as 400 leagues south of the river Harnen.
The Haradrim are a fierce and warlike race of common humans that inhabit the Harad desert and the great city of Umbar. Haradrim-proper are tall and deeply-tanned, and somewhat resemble the Rohirrim to the north. The Haradrim residents of Umbar are more diverse--there have been many infuxes of Numenorian, Gondorian, and other cultures thoughout time. The Haradrim use both horses and Mumakil in combat--the latter being much feared. The desert Haradrim are more warlike, more under the shadow, and a more hostile, and chaotic group. The Haradrim Corsairs of Umbar are regal and rich...and the most feared of the sea forces.

FULL NAME: Zaynah Kanika Maat
CULTURE: Haradrim

'I'm not a little girl now. I'll show you that I know how.I'll show you how I can be. You think that I am so pure. I tell you don't be so sure. I can be wild and free.' - Notre Dame de Paris