Hey... What exactly is a MUSH??!?

MUSH (also called MU or MU*) stands for "Multi-User Shared Hallucination,". It is a text-based online game in which players navigate and explore a world of described landscapes and characters. There are other online text-based games called MUD's or MUX's.. but those do not depend on role-play as much as a MUSH does.

No, there are no drugs involved.. the 'hallucination' part just means, its an imaginary world. (An apology to those out there lookin' for a quick fix... unless you're having withdrawl from rp, this won't help you).

Hey... what exactly is RP??!? And, I'm still confused on what a MU is.. what it's for.. what....

Ok ok... If you click on the link below for ELENDOR, it has a wonderful help section that will tell you exactly (even with examples) of what it's all about.. and not just about ELENDOR, but online RP and MU*'s.


My Characters:

A Tale Of Two Ladies
This site is very old, but it has a brief description of my two characters that I role-played with on STAR WARS: A NEW THREAT. Sadly, tho... SW:ANT decided to change their format..
My elf! She can be found on ELENDOR, the best Tolkien MU ever
My newest character.. Haradrim!!
My dwarf! Sadly, she is no more.. This is a link to her Memorial
My NEW TROLL!!! Yup, you guessed it.. on Elendor.
The BEST Tolkien MU ever.. ;o)

Email: sulsaga@hotmail.com